Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Higgins School Event: Ted Chiang's "Technology, Memory, and the Narrative of the Self"

On Thursday, March 27, at 5:00 pm, acclaimed science fiction writer Ted Chiang will be coming to Clark University. Chiang, a graduate of Brown University and the writer of celebrated works like Stories of Your Life and Others, will present his paper “Technology, Memory, and the Narrative of the Self” in Higgins Lounge at Dana Commons as part of the Higgins School of Humanities’ Future of Everything series.

The presentation will concern our growing reliance on technology, and particularly video recording, which Chiang posits may significantly alter the previously constant use and undisputed importance of human memory. Chiang’s contribution to the Future of Everything series, sponsored by the Science Fiction Research Collaborative (an organization committed to collaborations between faculty and students in interdisciplinary study of science fiction literature and film), is bound to be an incisive look at increasingly alarming social implications of the role technology plays in our lives.

If you are interested in science fiction, computer science, or simply thought-provoking discussion on current events, be sure not to miss Ted Chiang’s talk!

UPDATE: Check out this interview Professor Betsy Huang conducted with Ted Chiang just last year to learn more about him:

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