Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Guest Speaker Carl Keyes

"Disperse thousands ... in every direction or point of the compass":
Advertisements, Marketing Networks, and Late Eighteenth-Century Literary Magazines
Presented by Carl Robert Keyes

Friday, April 18, 3:00
Fuller Music Room
4th floor, Goddard Library

Advertisements printed on the wrappers that accompanied magazines in the late eighteenth century transformed  those periodicals devoted to poetry and historical and literary essays into utilitarian instruments for stimulating consumer demand for a variety of goods and services, thereby expanding commercial markets and maximizing profits for the publishers and advertisers.

Carl Robert Keyes is Assistant Professor of History at Assumption College. He is currently revising Early American Advertising:  Marketing and Consumer Culture in Eighteenth-Century America.  He is the author of "A Revolution in Advertising: 'Buy American' Campaigns in the Late Eighteenth Century<http://www.abc-clio.com/product.aspx?id=2147546740>," included in a three-volume anthology of essays exploring the history of advertising in America. His "History Prints, Newspaper Advertisement, and Cultivating Citizen Consumers:  Patriotism and Partisanship in Marketing Campaigns in the Era of the Revolution" will appear in the Fall 2014 issue of American Periodicals, the journal of the Research Society for American Periodicals.

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