Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Final Countdown

Yeah, they’re back. And not like the awesome new Backstreet Boys-New Kids on the Block kind of back. Like the flu you get every year that keeps on getting worse than the last one kind of back. And even though I know they are just around the corner, what am I doing instead of preparing for the week of sleepless nights? Watching Glee.
Now obviously I don’t recommend procrastination. All it results in is rushed papers that don’t always make sense, lack of sleep which leads to delirium, and food cravings at random times during the day. So I think I’ve come up with a few ideas to try and avoid procrastination:
Seriously. Not joking. Get rid of it. Even though the allure of watching random TV shows and movies when you’re bored sounds fabulous, its not. Next thing you know, your ten page paper is due tomorrow and you’re sitting in front of your laptop watching yet another episode of Glee and eating Chinese take-out leftovers. It’s a slippery slope of MSG and Darren Criss.
Whether your exam is something you can do in your sleep or your worst nightmare, outline your answers. Literally, its like taking a paper written in Wingdings and putting it into Times New Roman. You can actually read it. When it comes down to exam time, you’ll know exactly what to write. And it’s a good way to study without actually wanting to gauge your eyes out with rusty spoons.
Yes, your shiny new iPhone4 is adorable, but it is also a huge distraction. Before you know it, instead of studying for that really important exam, you’ll be beating your Angry Birds high score. Turn your phone off (all the way off, not just on silent) and leave it in your bag AWAY from your desk or wherever you are studying.
This is time when I realized how Mark Zuckerberg is a gazilionaire and how Facebook rules the world. It’s the college kids who would rather play Farmville or creep on Facebook friends that they haven’t talked to in three years than pay attention to schoolwork. Believe me, I’ve been there. And hours later I am still staring at my best friend’s pictures of her sweet sixteen party and my paper is growing dust. So for those of you lucky Mac users, SelfControl is probably the best thing since Facebook. Don’t just use it for a few hours; put it on the whole week. You don’t need to update your status every three hours or post random articles onto your friends’ walls. For us PC users, deactivate your account for the week. Its so easy, it’s dangerous.
Overall, finals can actually go pretty well. You can stay on topic, get good grades, and still manage to squeeze in a somewhat normal sleeping pattern. Unless Netflix decides to add a new show to their Watch Instantly list.

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