Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Holidays!

It's been a while since I've been able to post--the dog days of December, however, seem to have slipped by; and since Winter Solstice was last night, the days will begin getting longer. Finals are over, papers submitted, and recommendations written, students dispersed to various homes and domiciles--but I won't say anything about grading yet, since they aren't due until January 2nd, and that's work yet to be done. It's Christmas break, and for all of us, I'm sure, a welcome time.

In fact, the purpose of this post is to wish all of you who might read this English department blog a marvelous and fruitful Holiday season!

And what better to celebrate than to offer photos from our very own Wassail party, held on the day after classes were over!

First, the goodies arrayed on one of the tables, and below, our esteemed chair, Ginger, tempting us to partake--at the other table.

Terri and I are trying to get everyone into the spirit of the season. . . .

And while Emily, Matt and Chelsea seem to be responding,

Lou appears to be doing his best "Bah, Humbug" impression!

Ah, the milling crowds, presaging the crush of shoppers and revelers to come. . . .

And, finally, Steve, with me and Ginger--representing the new and the old. . . .

Have a great break, everyone, and we'll see you on January 14th! (or shortly thereafter?)


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